My Services

Crisis Health Coaching

Have you recently had a new health issue, a new symptom or a new diagnosis? Are you feeling anxious about what might be happening and how serious it might be? Have you been seen by a medical professional but are struggling to understand what is going on or what might happen next.

New health issues can be overwhelming, especially when you have more questions than answers - this is where I can help.

We will go through your recent experience, explore the symptoms that you have been having and identify which might be most important.  We will talk about which investigations and treatments you have had or are waiting to have and discuss the likely next steps.  

I can answer questions you may have about a new diagnosis and help you to come to terms with what this means for you, your lifestyle and your health generally.

I will take the time to talk through everything, answering the questions you have, providing reassurance and putting you back in control.
With years of experience across the NHS, and having helped many patients I can help you navigate through this challenging new chapter in your life.

I take a comprehensive approach:

  • Taking the time needed to explain what your symptoms might mean

  • Exploring and explaining the different potential diagnoses 

  • Laying out a roadmap of what you might expect next, what tests or procedures might be offered

  • We will also looking at other aspects of your health and lifestyle. We will asses how they might be impacting your symptoms and where you could make changes to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

If there is anything you ask that I am unsure about or need more time to research specifics I will email you my findings after our session. 

Health Coaching

Health coaching provides an opportunity to have the space and time to think about what is going on with your health and where you’d like it to be; so that between us we can find the lifestyle interventions you can make that will help you feel better.

Health coaching is not about giving advice on how to improve your health but it may include discussion of approaches you are interested in taking and helping you decide what will work best for you. You will have often already received advice on how to make healthy changes in your life, but circumstances make these changes difficult to start or keep up. Sometimes it’s about working out which of the changes to focus on first and which will work best for you given your individual circumstances.

That’s where health coaching comes in. It helps to increase motivation, introduce healthy behaviours, and develop ways of living more healthily that fit in with your life.  You are in control!

Chronic Health Condition Coaching

Do you have a long term health condition, but you’ve never felt fully in control of your treatment?  

There is a huge potential to improve your quality of life by taking control of your health again - but it can be really hard to know how and where to start.

I can help by taking the time to listen to you and understand how your condition is impacting your life.

Then, together we will create a plan that puts you back in control by:

  • Making sure you are taking full advantage of the NHS resources available to you

  • Looking at the complete picture of your health and lifestyle to identify areas for improvement

  • Creating specific, targeted programs that you control

I do not replace your existing treatments or give specific medical advise but instead give you the understanding and tools you need to be in control of your health.

Complex Health Coaching

Do you have multiple medical conditions that you are struggling to keep track of. Are you or a loved one who you look after overwhelmed with chronic health problems, lots of appointments and many professionals involved in their care?

I can help you understand your health conditions, investigations and treatments and make sure you are linked in with the right professionals to help with your care. I can help you research local services that you might benefit from.

We will also look at your lifestyle and see if there are any areas that we can work towards making improvements in using health coaching as the framework for this.